Maximize Your Potential: Move Better, Live Better
At In Motion Sports and Family Chiropractic, our mission is to help our patients achieve optimal health and wellness by providing high-quality chiropractic care, functional assessments, and corrective exercises. Our team, led by Dr. Manuel Valle, is dedicated to helping individuals maximize their potential and move better. We believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptom, and strive to create a personalized care plan tailored to each patient's unique needs.
Our Services
We offer a range of services designed to help our patients achieve optimal health and wellness. Our services include:
- Chiropractic Care: We provide specific and gentle spinal corrections utilizing a variety of chiropractic techniques, including biomechanics and functional patterns.
- Corrective Exercise: We teach our patients specific exercises designed to strengthen and stabilize their particular issue, which can be performed in the comfort of their own home or in a gym setting.
- FMS/SFMA Functional Movement Screenings: We use these screenings to identify poor coupling patterns that can lead to altered movements and stress on the kinetic chain, resulting in injuries.
- Physiotherapy: We offer a range of therapeutic procedures, including Active Release Technique, Graston Technique, Gavilan Technique, Therapeutic Taping, Cryotherapy, and Electrical Stimulation, to complement and enhance the healing effects of our specific chiropractic adjustments.
- Lifestyle Advice: We provide guidance on lifestyle changes that can help our patients achieve a fulfilling and happy life, free from pain and discomfort.
Our Philosophy
Our office philosophy is simple: we treat the patient, not the symptom. We believe that many symptoms are caused by a combination of poor coupling patterns that affect the kinetic chain, leading to altered movement patterns. If ignored or not treated correctly, this can result in a variety of different injuries. Our goal is to help our patients maximize their potential by identifying and addressing these underlying issues.
Our Promise
At In Motion Sports and Family Chiropractic, we promise to provide the finest chiropractic care, tailored to each patient's unique needs. We are committed to helping our patients achieve optimal health and wellness, and we strive to create a collaborative effort between our professionals and our patients to achieve true health and wellness.
Patient Success Stories with Dr. Manuel Valle
Life-Changing Experiences
Patients have reported transformative experiences with Dr. Manuel Valle, a chiropractor who has helped them overcome chronic pain and injuries. Many have seen significant improvements in their overall health and wellbeing after undergoing treatment with Dr. Valle.
Effective Treatment Methods
Dr. Valle's unique approach combines chiropractic and soft tissue adjustments, which have been instrumental in eliminating pain and restoring mobility in his patients. His thorough head-to-toe evaluations and explanations of his treatment plans have earned him praise from his patients.
Pain-Free and Resilient
Patients have reported being pain-free for extended periods, with some experiencing complete resolutions to long-standing issues such as knee pain, neck pain, and migraines. Others have seen significant improvements in their posture, strength, and overall wellbeing.