The Green House Preschool and Kindergarten, Inc. is a childcare provider dedicated to enriching the lives of young children while expanding their minds. Our programs are designed to develop the "whole child" - one who, in mind and body, flourishes through positive experiences. With multiple locations in Fort Lee and Ridgefield, we offer a range of programs for children from 18 months to 6 years old, including toddler, preschool, pre-kindergarten, and kindergarten classes. Our staff of trained and nurturing caretakers strive to create a safe, engaging, and supportive environment that fosters emotional, social, and cognitive growth. By combining play-based learning with structured activities, we help children develop a love of learning, build confidence, and prepare for future academic success. Whether in-person or online, we invite you to explore our website, schedule a tour, or contact us to learn more about our programs and services.