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Newburyport Towing Service and Expert Auto & Truck Services were founded in 1983 by Walter and Kim Lowell. They brought experience and enthusiasm to the new companies, Walter as an ASE certified auto and truck mechanic and towing service manager and Kim with a business degree from UNH and experience managing a family business. The company provides a variety of prompt, professional, courteous services, including repair, tow/transport, and pick-up services to meet your motor vehicle needs. Our expert team is committed to delivering exceptional customer service, with a focus on education, equipment, and technology to meet the ever-changing needs of the driving public. We are a family-owned business with a passion for providing top-notch services to our customers. With over 30 years of experience, we have established ourselves as a trusted and reliable motor vehicle services company in Newburyport, Amesbury, and surrounding areas.
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